Journey to Nebula JawBreaker

The Third Pattern on the Journey to Nebula was the Jawbreaker pillow pattern. 

I really didn't need pillow covers, so I made a couple of placemat instead. 

Color pallet was inspired by a set of placemats that I had done a little earlier. 

blue and yellow fabric pull 

blue placemats

I was pretty pleased with these placemats using the Bosal Precut Placemat Forms. They came together fairly quickly and easily. But that's another project.. 

All that to say I had just enough fabric left over to use as backing for two more placemats. So I decided to go that route instead. 

The Jawbreaker pattern came together fairly quickly as well. The most important step in this pattern is to sew the 2.5" strips accurately with a scant quarter inch. This is important because they need to align with the Hex-N-More ruler guidelines. If they don't, your hexagon will not match. Given the contrast in my color choices, any misalignment would be noticeable. There were a couple of times, I had to re-do my seams. 

Triangles cut for the Jawbreaker pattern

Here is close up of the matching points. This is a close to perfection as I came. And I'm ok with it. 

Matching Point in the quilt pattern

As you can tell this shot was taken during the quilting stage. For some insane reason I decided to do concentric hexagon on each hexie shape.  However, as I tried the different spacing of the lines, I came to the conclusion I like the feel of the closer quarter inch spacing as shown on the blue section above. Unfortunately, this took a lot more of my time than I anticipated. I love the look, but my patience was definitely stretched thin. I think I spent more time quilting than piecing. 

However, I must say I do like the look. The hexagons in solid colors and the quilting give the placemats a very modern feel, yet the backing has a more traditional look it. Reversible placemats to go with your décor.  

The pattern was well written and the Hex and More ruler was a great tool. Its a great project to practice your seam accuracy. 

I loved that I got to try this pattern because many years ago I bought the Science Fair quilt pattern from  Jaybird Quilts and I never got around to it.

I know, I know.. us quilters buy more patterns and fabric than we have time to sew. Am I right?

As an added bonus, I had enough triangles to make some pot holders. 

Hegaxon Pot Holders

Jaybird Quilts has a tutorial on how to bind items with 120-degree angles, such as the pot holders.. 

On to the next step in the Journey


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