Cotton and Cork Website Launch

Welcome to!

Cotton and Cork was born in November of 2019, with my first craft show the following month. It was quite the experience and from the moment I set up my booth I knew that I had made the right decision. I was full of excitement and anxious for 2020 to get started with the business of sewing. 

And then COVID-19 happened! And the world turned upside down! (queue the Hamilton music)

Once the reality of our new normalcy sank in, I realized that if I was going to give this start-up business a chance to grow, it would have to be online.

And so, here we are! 

I'm so excited about the website! It's been a labor of love for sure. Thankfully, I had invaluable assistance from my techy husband and Photography by Samantha, who shot the amazing photos of the handbags. I'm so pleased with the outcome. 

I'll be updating the site with products as I make them. Sign up for the newsletter to see the latest creations. (Don't worry, I promise not to spam your inbox). 

I hope you enjoy browsing the site. Feel free to contact me with any comments or feedback about the site or suggestions for a bag you'd like to see.  I'm always looking for something new to create.

Thank you for your support!

 Claudia del Castillo



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